Ashtead Technology Moving Forward with SubC’s DVRO


Ashtead Technology has just landed an exciting deal with Dutch engineering firm Van Oord. This deal includes supplying 5 of SubC Imaging’s DVRO Systems, allowing them to record multiple 3D, HD and SD video channels simultaneously for future offshore construction and marine engineering projects.

The business development director for Ashtead said: “The SubC DVRO is the most comprehensive and complete media management solution on the market. It has been designed from the ground up, incorporating customized software and hardware to create a seamless technological solution for visual subsea monitoring.”

Ashtead Technology has been a SubC Imaging distributor since 2011, so we here at SubC are excited about this deal as well.

You can read the full article here.

Check out our DVRO walkthrough here!


SubC Imaging profiled in The Overcast’s Next Gen NL series


SubC Imaging at the Oceans 16 Tradeshow